The Southport Tennis League
The Southport tennis league serving the Tennis community of Sefton and Lancashire for many years.
The league runs the following events:
- Adult Summer Mixed League (April – August)
- Adult Autumn Mixed League (September – December)
- Summer Junior League (April – August)
- Individual Tournaments for Adults and Juniors (Summer)
- Team Tournaments
A summary of all these events is shown on the About Us page or click on any of the links above for additional information.
The full League Rules including the Summer and Autumn Leagues and all Cup Competitions can be downloaded from the Documents page
Code of Conduct
The Adult league has a code of conduct for all players and spectators.
The Junior league code of conduct for all players
Junior Tennis League
The junior tennis league runs in the summer months for various age groups
For more information see the Junior Tennis league page.
Our clubs
Please see the list of Clubs currently involved in the league, with their contact details.
How to Join
If you would like to enter one or more teams in the League then you need to apply to our Secretary using the form on our Contacts page before the end of December in the year before you wish to enter.