Southport And District Tennis League – Annual General Meeting
Thursday 13th FEBRUARY 2020 at 7:30pm North Meols Tennis Club
- Clubs represented recorded
- Apologies for absence
- Minutes of AGM 2019 (available on the website)
- Matters arising
- Chairman’s Report (available on the website)
- Treasurer’s report (available on the website)
- Match Secretary’s Report (available on the website)
- Team Tournament / Spartans Cup Secretary’s Report
- Individual Tournament Secretary’s Report
- Junior Secretary’s Report (available on the website)
- Applications for membership/resignations:
- Rule Changes: As per the attached sheet proposed and supported by the Executive
Election of Officers for 2020
- President: Mr John Spurr
- Chairman: Mr Rob Hemmings
- Treasurer:
- Match Secretary: Mrs Jeanette Heague
- Individual Tournament Secretary:
- Team Tournament Secretary: Mr Mick Walsh
- Spartans Trophy Secretary: Mr Mick Walsh
- Junior League Co-ordinator: Rob Owen and Angela Bardon
- General Secretary; Ms Pauline Pope
- Hon Auditor: Mr Chris Creswell
- League Planner Manager: Mr Christian Bryan
General Committee:
Ms Tracy Smith, Mr Andrew Williams, Mrs Pru Makin, Mrs Heather Chambers. Ms Liz Newton, Mrs Val Ormerod, Mr Denis Swainson.
All the above officers named are prepared to continue in office
Officers: Mr Jason McLeod, Mr Sam Johnson. Mr Neil Leadbetter. Mrs Hilary Bell.
Nominations Received:
Mr Dave Eyes: Treasurer
Mr Derek Bardwa: Individual Tournament Secretary
Mrs Maureen Thwaites: General Committee member
Election of Representatives to Lancashire LTA Council
Nominations : Mr J Spurr and Mr Mr R Hemmings
Any other business