Dear All,
I wanted to let you know that the League Executive has met today to discuss the recent increase in cases of COVID19 in the Formby and surrounding areas. Whilst any increase is a concern we feel that tennis played in the outdoors and as a naturally distanced sport remains a fairly low risk for transmission of Coronavirus. Therefore, all matches should continue to be played as normal. This means that if any team wishes to concede a match, for any reason, then all points will be awarded to their opponents.
We also discussed the fact that the LTA guidelines for tennis are being relaxed from Monday 17th May. However, as a result of the concerns over the local increase in COVID19 cases and to reduce the risk of transmission as much as possible, we ask that, despite the national easing of restrictions, clubs in the Southport & District League continue to take the following measures in addition to those in the LTA guidelines from 17th May:
- During league matches please ensure that clubhouses are only opened for access to toilets.
- Please do not serve any refreshments during league matches.
- Please ensure that social distancing is maintained by all those present.
- We note that spectators are allowed by the LTA guidelines from 17th May but we recommend that the number of spectators (in addition to any parents of juniors) that can be safely accommodated be carefully considered by all clubs and visiting clubs informed in advance of any restrictions on numbers.
Please also remember that arrangements during league matches must be in accordance with the Event Delivery Plans (EDPs) that you have submitted to the league and if you wish to change any arrangements then revised EDPs must be sent to the League Secretary, Pauline Pope.
The COVID19 situation will be kept under review by the League and we will notify clubs when we feel that the above additional restrictions can be relaxed.
Best wishes,
Rob Hemmings
Chairman, Southport & District Tennis League